A Promise to the Lord

We started this site to keep this higher level consciousness of Lord Hanuman strong and alive. It is our promise to him for a request we have asked of his great spirit, and he is such a giver, ever so generous and easy with his blessings.

Lord Hanuman is also our first solid movement into the active understanding of polytheistic gods so this blog temple is truly a significant move on our part. We hope that all who come to this holy place in the internet will leave their wishes, hopes and feelings for Lord Hanuman to absorb into his creative energy field, feed his mighty spirit and in turn you will have his tremendous gifts in exchange.


Friday, February 5, 2010

"Esh" Fire

Dear Lord,

Thank you that it came as that's always good news. It always gives me relief when it arrives and also heralds the end of any over-emotional state or at least explains the situation. It explains away also the irrational insecurities that arise during the period which helps to ease the lack of flow in my mind with greater understanding.

Thank you that we woke up early the whole week. This has enabled us to utilise our days well and keep us in good humour. And especially at this hour when we so much feel the urgency to focus on our task at hand. It was good to have the foundation for it in terms of time. If we did not even get this part right it would have been a major distraction towards our goal.

Thank you that Joshua seemed alright when we rejected him yesterday and even tried contacting us after Stephanie left. We do feel really close to him now and treasure his input in our lives but this subject of friends brought something to my attention yesterday as well. And that is that it has been a major source of distraction to my motivated self and that is something to note and work upon.

Thank you that we generally know that the sheer feeling of lack is no more as it can be easily settled at any point on any count and the security from the supportive family around us is truly a gift from you. Now we can just focus on the investor and the bigger buck and it is a blessing to have this sense of stability in times like these.

Thank you that I have a new inspiration for the weekend and it is great to feel alive with new activity in my soul. There is the abrasive quality to it at the onset but it is nicely settling in with the rest of my sacred space already and soon it will be harnessed to the best of its stuff. Gracias!

Om Namo Hanumantaay Aaveshay Aaveshay Swaahaa,


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