A Promise to the Lord

We started this site to keep this higher level consciousness of Lord Hanuman strong and alive. It is our promise to him for a request we have asked of his great spirit, and he is such a giver, ever so generous and easy with his blessings.

Lord Hanuman is also our first solid movement into the active understanding of polytheistic gods so this blog temple is truly a significant move on our part. We hope that all who come to this holy place in the internet will leave their wishes, hopes and feelings for Lord Hanuman to absorb into his creative energy field, feed his mighty spirit and in turn you will have his tremendous gifts in exchange.


Tuesday, February 2, 2010

"Mishpakha" family

Dear Lord,

Thank you that I woke up on time to help Isaac out getting ready in the morning. I really liked doing that and it was lovely to spend time with him before he left. Also, I enjoy waking up early and having the whole morning to myself. It has been truly peaceful and fruitful. And bodes well for the whole week.

Thank you that the sleep was very comfortable and it seems I might not have grinded during the night. I am looking forward to catching some zzzz later as well. And I am truly thankful that I have the luxury of that as compared to other people. But I will be sure to not abuse this privilege by doing enough work first. It is nice to feel motivated by positivity.

Thank you that Isaac had enough rest as well and woke up on time naturally. It was nice to see him happy and peaceful in the morning and I know he felt good about me helping him prepare. It is truly lucky that the advertisement was on for today for if not it would be inadvisable to travel down just to find out and also to even find something fitting to our specific criteria.

Thank you that there was food for us in the morning although we have not stocked up enough. It is truly a blessing this home we have now and this family we are living with. They are just so generous and happy. It is wondrous. I would like to do more for them if I can. They are too good.

Om Namo Hanumantaay Aaveshay Aaveshay Swaahaa,


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