A Promise to the Lord

We started this site to keep this higher level consciousness of Lord Hanuman strong and alive. It is our promise to him for a request we have asked of his great spirit, and he is such a giver, ever so generous and easy with his blessings.

Lord Hanuman is also our first solid movement into the active understanding of polytheistic gods so this blog temple is truly a significant move on our part. We hope that all who come to this holy place in the internet will leave their wishes, hopes and feelings for Lord Hanuman to absorb into his creative energy field, feed his mighty spirit and in turn you will have his tremendous gifts in exchange.


Friday, February 19, 2010

"Keneh Bosem"

Dear Lord,

Thank you that the aircon is fixed and we were not asked to play a part at all. That makes me feel like A and J are so nice to us, takes care of us. I mean J is always checking on me and giving me advice and stuff. Where I would not like it before, now it feels good because they absolutely do not expect anything back.

Thank you that we don't quite have to go for B's thing later because we already have something on. However, I do feel like I should try to chip in for her present since she was so lovely to me on my birthday. Or I should at least get her something myself.

Thank you that S was there at I's meeting and she could possibly be a big help. I shall send them a further edited copy of the proposal later. She and K. And it was through this entire thing also that I am seeing that I am too resistant. I am forgetting to allow.

Thank you that I brought back the stuff safe and sound. And also that later we are bringing it by bus and early enough not to need to worry. I am also thankful that the amount gotten is substantial enough according to I. It is good for us this period that the peeps we are getting it for are not local otherwise it will be hard to make.

It was fantastic to not have to cook anything else but rice since J had dishes for me. Cool...

Om Namo Hanumaantaay Aaveshay Aaveshay Swaahaa,


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