A Promise to the Lord

We started this site to keep this higher level consciousness of Lord Hanuman strong and alive. It is our promise to him for a request we have asked of his great spirit, and he is such a giver, ever so generous and easy with his blessings.

Lord Hanuman is also our first solid movement into the active understanding of polytheistic gods so this blog temple is truly a significant move on our part. We hope that all who come to this holy place in the internet will leave their wishes, hopes and feelings for Lord Hanuman to absorb into his creative energy field, feed his mighty spirit and in turn you will have his tremendous gifts in exchange.


Friday, January 8, 2010

"ladeornmc" wealth

Dear Lord,

I pray that I am out of this difficult situation and now I am reborn again, free to make all the plans I have always wanted to make and create that earthly state of the ether to harness the peace within. It is the vibration of already, now, being, rather than want, desperation, hope. Already, already, already.

After this I shall go bask in all the luxuries of my living quarters and further create the zen-like state of the astral here on earth. This is to build up the vibration that I need to solidify the prayer. I have already done the work emails and cannot do more till we get the list from Kel. The proposal and mock up has also been sent out already so what more I can do will just be to look for more opportunities online later. And I shall do so during work time. So all in all, I am feeling good about everything that I can physically do at the moment. Which will aid the vibration. Best of all is that I have time alone in my beautiful room right now with the quiet to ease me into me. Now, now, now.

I am excited about later where I am going out to have some fun, the sacrifice that we have made in abstaining from these activities for so long will be broken tonight and an exchange will be complete. I believe that everything's great and everything will always be fine and hence I shall dismiss it all now to forget it in my conscious such that it is in my subconscious power. And I am so blessed that no matter what, things are always great... so I'll just be, be, be.

Om Namo Hanumantaay Aaveshay Aaveshay Swaahaa,


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